Deprogramming Self-Destruction to Find Inner Joy with Brainspotting

The Curious Voyage: A Rule-Breaking Guidebook to Authenticity by Cynthia Schwartzberg

ATLANTA, June 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — If you’re stressed out because of recent world events, COVID, feeling lost, or plagued with self-destructive thoughts, The Curious Voyage: A Rule-Breaking Guidebook to Authenticity by Cynthia Schwartzberg will show you how to use Brainspotting and other techniques to bring joy back into your life.

The book can also help therapists with their clients.

"The ancient Greeks often said, ‘know thyself,’ and that’s what my book is all about. Exercises at the end of each chapter are a journey of self-discovery to find your authentic self. When you finish, you’ll better understand who you are, which will lead to a more fulfilled life," said Schwartzberg.

Most people are on autopilot with an inner playbook of learned behaviors dictating their lives. This playbook tells them what they’re "supposed" to do. Unfortunately, if you always live your life this way, you can never really find your inner self or your true passions.

The Curious Voyage is about letting go of conditioned responses and revealing your authentic self.

"Throughout our lives, we’re all conditioned to behave a certain way without questioning it. Most of the time, it’s for survival, like stopping at a red light, but there’s a problem when it leads to self-destruction. Brainspotting can help pinpoint these negative behaviors," said Schwartzberg.

Schwartzberg is a licensed, certified social worker (LCSW) consultant and a well-recognized leader of Brainspotting, a relatively new therapy that creates effective change in clients. Brainspotting is based on the theory, "Where you look, affects how you feel." For example, if you think about something you had for dinner last night, your eyes may move and hold a specific position while accessing that information. Brainspotting uses different eye positions to help the client connect to their body, feelings, and thoughts around an issue.

The Brainspotting process helps the client go from a place of dysregulation to a place of regulation.

She has spent decades helping individuals and couples lead richer, fuller, and more meaningful lives. Her website contains free helpful resources, including a blog, podcasts, and videos demonstrating Brainspotting and other therapeutic techniques.

She also offers individual and group therapy sessions, courses, and training seminars for other therapists who want to learn more about Brainspotting.

Schwartzberg began writing her book after listening to people struggling to overcome beliefs about themselves for years, such as, "I’m not good enough, I don’t belong, I can’t stop reacting, or I’m in pain with my relationship."

Their experiences showed up in their bodies, which are in a state of self-protection and preservation. She worked with them to get in touch with their feelings and their bodies.

As she worked with clients, she noticed that their lives slowly began to change so they would feel more hopeful.

"I remember doing a visualization with someone about her future self, then years later, she called to tell me all the things she imagined came true. I’ve received many calls like that over the years," said Schwartzberg.

The Curious Voyage: A Rule-Breaking Guidebook to Authenticity is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

For further information or to schedule an interview, contact Cynthia Schwartzberg at (678) 729-7399 or

Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW
The Curious Voyage: A Rule-Breaking Guidebook to Authenticity
Atlanta, GA
Phone: (678) 729-7399

SOURCE Cynthia Schwartzberg