30 Books by Black Authors That Belong on Your Bookshelf

Our favorite books by Black authors Growing up as a young Black girl in the South, I saw positive representations of Black and Brown excellence: My family members were college-educated, working professionals and pillars in their communities.

Seven Books That Capture How Love Really Feels

In 1997, for example, Vivian Gornick wrote that love was no longer the primary narrative conflict of contemporary literature. Her provocative argument—that cynicism, sadness, and cultural fatigue have eroded our faith in the transformative abilities of romance—is one I keep

Ending Radical Indoctrination Is Not ‘Banning Books’

In response, seven library patrons and at least one librarian have since filed lawsuits against the Llano County Library, arguing that the removals violate their First Amendment rights. As of September, a final ruling from the 5 th U.S. Circuit