MANHATTAN, N.Y., April 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Financial infidelity is one thing, within the context of a relationship demonstrating narcissistic personality disorder financial infidelity is another. Scenarios that repeat themselves in this relationship context are:
- Growing a business together and lack financial compensation.
- Lying par excellence.
- Nasty Accusations.
- Falsified Documents.
- Going in debt supporting the partner’s deceptive habits.
- Depending on courts to place a fair decision.
- Destroyed self-worth.
The confusion and complex trauma that can develop in such relationship contexts can be debilitating. Shame can impede the much-needed healing.
In the international collaborative project by Tammy Ketura, we focus exactly on the inter-contexts of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome, Financial Poverty, and Self-Healing.
“The concept for the project came to me while I was hiking in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sardona, Switzerland in July 2020. I was hiking, and pondering what clients were telling me; I need to heal and I don’t have the money to heal. I notice how the concept “I need money to heal” was also a major blocker on my own healing journey. And the concept is totally false. Healing takes place on the inside. Healing takes place independent of our life situations. This book supports self-healing without a budget. This is abundance embodied,” says Tammy Ketura.
This ground breaking book “I AM: How to Release the Shame of Narcissistic Abuse and Transform Financial Poverty to Wealth Beyond Numbers,” features 14 narcissistic abuse recovery professionals who have personally experienced financial Infidelity within the context of Narcissistic Abuse. Each one shares their personal story of horror and triumph. Each author introduces you to a recognized self-healing modality. Here you gain specific how-to-steps to release shame.
Welcome to the healing playground. There is freedom in healing. Here you write the 15th chapter.
The #1 International Bestseller can be purchased at Here you can also join events, join our store, and be introduced to the authors.
The authors are: Alisa Schultz Whyte, Andrea B. Wainer, BethAnne Palinginis, Deva Kaveesha, Giselle Morgan, Holly Hartman, Jennifer Collett, Julie Fernandez, LaKisha D. James, Lauren Korthy, Liz Bull, Tamara Low, Tammy Ketura, Yvette Oloo
Until May 5th, 2021, All the proceeds from “I Am: How to Release the Shame of Narcissistic Abuse and Transform Financial Poverty to Wealth Beyond Numbers” are being donated to With Your Safer Place, you are bridged to a safer place sooner. We are paving the gap between your current home and a safer place by providing recovery resources and crisis response services at the click of a button.
Tammy Ketura holds persons of high profile on their transformative journeys.
Media Contact:
Tammy Ketura
Telefon: 011 41 78 878 706 22
SOURCE Tammy Ketura