PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A new and entirely digital Magazine known as "Undeniable Truth" is now launched and readily available for the human family to enjoy. "The time has come to take an honest and realistic look at the weak and falsehood loaded claim of superiority embarked upon by the so called ‘white supremacists’ and all hate filled individuals and groups in America as well as around the globe," says Dr. Henry I. Balogun, Publisher of "Undeniable Truth."
The mission of Undeniable Truth is to correctly re-write historical wrongs, anomalies, and misinformation. We cannot shy away or be allowed to be intimidated. "If we fail to address the pain and blatant disregarding behaviors of the past; if we continue on the path of embracing a never-ending brutality, pain-inflicting attitude and unnecessary termination of life including all form of act of man’s inhumanity to fellow members of the human family, next generation will never see any reason to change," Dr. Balogun emphasized. "If nothing is done, hate would never allow authentic and genuine integration and interaction among the children of God to grow."
Undeniable Truth believes that arrogant inspired division among the human family and better-than-them-attitude, coupled with in-your-face propaganda of we are ordained to rule the world, need to be surgically and methodically investigated, discredited, condemned, and removed. "The anemic foundation of the superiority of most Europeans and the white supremacists’ gangsters has never been touched until now," says Dr. Balogun. Undeniable Truth is dedicated to correcting what needs to be corrected in the interest of sound love and unity.
To have forcefully took over land of unsuspecting people who thought they were just being accommodating, without asking for compensation – cash, kind or promissory note was largely unknown to the world. The European settlers who landed on the Island of Kunta Kinteh in the Gambia between 1400 and 1600 were uninvited. They came with hidden agenda that had nothing good planned for Africans but pain, mental anguish, and a never-ending ocean of unnecessary bloodshed.
We were told that the uninvited Europeans brought Christianity to Africa. Still, Undeniable Truth discovered that Christianity was brought to Africa by those who were there side-by-side with Christ. We were told that European settlers brought education to Africa, Undeniable Truth discovered the Truth. Higher Institution of learning was first established in Africa before the so-called evil of colonization changed history. What about the 20 Africans who were forcefully brought to Jamestown in the United States through conniving and deceptive means in 1619? Undeniable Truth discovered that they were stolen and brought for servitude. The real slaves were the first set of European slaves whose history was swept under the rug to dehumanize Africans.
How did we come up with calling each other "people of color" or "community of colored people," thereby feeding into the narratives and the divisive desire of "white supremacists" and all hate groups?
What about Truth about exploration, which was never told or published! Many Africans explorers who came to the "New World," now known as the United States, later became slave owners of white slaves. How did that story become so twisted, disregarded, and washed away? "Time will not allow us to name many atrocities perpetrated to prove ill-informed superiority, but you can read the stories in Undeniable Truth."
There is no doubt that superiority is a misnomer built on arrogant behaviors, perception, and attitude. To get your free copy of this incredible Magazine, go to, create an account, log in and click on the "My Account" link and when you get to the My Account page, click on "Access Your Free Copy."
Media contact:
Henry Balogun
SOURCE Dr. Henry I. Balogun